JMA issues statement regarding sending medical staff to Gaza


Published: 2021-05-16 15:31

Last Updated: 2023-11-17 15:42

JMA issues statement regarding sending medical staff to Gaza
JMA issues statement regarding sending medical staff to Gaza

The Jordanian Medical Association (JMA) announced that they are currently communicating with local and international authorities to send medical staff to Gaza. The JMA said they aim to send a delegation of qualified and specialized health workers to provide medical aid and treateatment to Palestinians who were injured as a result of the Israeli Occupation's aggression on Gaza.

According to an official statement, based on national, professional and moral duty, the JMA expressed its keenness to provide as much support and medical aid as it can to the Palestinian people. The aim is to also utilise mechanisms to find a solution to the acute shortage of medication and medical supplies.

The Vice Chairman of the JMA confirmed that if they are granted official approval, the JMA will send an urgent appeal to all members inviting them to volunteer as part of the delegation. The committee also called on the people of Jordan to do all that they can to help the Palestinian people in general and Gaza in particular.